Aquaphor, 어드밴스드 테라피, 치유 연고, 튜브 2개, 개당 10g(0.35oz)
- Brands製造元 : Aquaphor (아쿠아퍼)
- プロダクトコード Product Code: AQP-11047
- UPCコード 072140110475.
- サイズ: 0.06 kg, 2.3x9.1x14.5 in
- Availability: In Stock
Aquaphor Healing Ointment is a unique skin care ointment that protects dry, irritated skin to help enhance the natural healing process. It provides soothing relief for a variety of skin problems from cracked, dry skin to minor burns to chapped lips. It is free of fragrances and preservatives, so it will not irritate delicate skin. Recommended by dermatologists, and available in a convenient on-the-go size to carry with you.
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