Fairhaven Health, IsoFresh 밸런싱 젤, 28g(1oz)
Fairhaven Health, IsoFresh 밸런싱 젤, 28g(1oz)
Fairhaven Health, IsoFresh 밸런싱 젤, 28g(1oz)

Fairhaven Health, IsoFresh 밸런싱 젤, 28g(1oz)


  • Brands製造元 : 페어해븐 헬스
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: FHH-00220
  • UPCコード 896593002206.
  • サイズ: 0.08 kg, 13.5x4.6x4.6 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Clinically Shown to Balance pH and Decrease Feminine Odor Concerns
  • Includes 12 Applications
  • 100% Isotonic
  • As many as 2 out of 3 women occasionally experience unwanted feminine odor, often caused by increased pH.

    Many common activities disrupt balance, including monthly periods, exercise, making love, aging, and weight gain. These activities can change pH, leading to unwanted feminine odor and a desire to feel more fresh.

    IsoFresh has been shown in a clinical study* to:

  • Lower pH, after just one use and after 30 day of use
  • Decrease frequency of unwanted feminine odor
  • Decrease concerns about feminine odor
  • Use IsoFresh anytime you want to feel more fresh!

    Cost-effective: Includes 12 applications per tube.

    No mess: Stays put and won't leak out.

    Mild formula: In lab tests, IsoFesh didn't cause irritation or harm healthy bacteria.**

    IsoFresh is:

  • Glycerol/glycerin free
  • Oil free
  • Paraben free
  • Hormone free
  • *B. Rizk and E. Torres. Fertility and Sterility

    **Company studies on file

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    자극이 발생하면 사용을 중단하십시오. 임신 준비 중이거나 임신 중인 경우, 모유 수유 중인 경우에는 사용 전 의사와 상담하십시오. IsoFresh 피임용 제품이 아니며 살정제가 없습니다. 비정상적인 냄새가 사라지지 않거나 냄새와 함께 가려움, 발열, 자극, 분비물이 발생하면 건강 관리 제공자에게 연락하십시오.

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