Pheniramine maleate 0.315% and naphazoline hydrochloride 0.02675 ophthalmic solution antihistamine and redness reliever eye drops
Uses: Temporary relieves itching and redness caused by pollen, ragweed, grass, animal hair and dander.
Get the relief you need with Opcon-A antihistamine and redness reliever eye drops. From the eye care experts at Bausch + Lomb, these eye itch and redness reliever eye drops provide temporary relief from itching and redness caused by pollen, ragweed, grass, animal hair, and dander. They are clinically proven eye allergy relief drops that combine an antihistamine for itch relief with a redness reliever that can be used up to 4 times daily. When your eyes are red, itchy, and irritated, get relief with Opcon-A eye drops for allergy relief.
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